Minister Burke visits 4th Class
On Monday 29th April Minister Peter Burke visited St. Matthew's to see all the amazing work 4th class had completed through being involved with the Blue Star Programme. Mr. Burke was the Minister of State with responsibility for EU Affairs and has recently been appointed Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. He was given a very warm welcome and with a flag procession on arrival to the school. He then visited the classroom where the students got to present a flavour of their project work, play "Who wants to be a Millionaire? - EU Edition" and took questions from the students about politics and his life.
4th Class have been working on the Blue Star Programme since October 2023. The programme teaches primary school pupils about European cultures and the EU through creative activities and projects which complement the national primary curriculum.
The idea is simple: to foster a better understanding and knowledge of Europe and how it affects the lives of Irish citizens among Irish primary pupils in a curriculum-friendly manner.
There are four core learning pillars of the Programme:
- Historical
- Geographical
- Cultural & Creative
- Institutional